Friday, October 18, 2019

W6D Teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

W6D Teams - Essay Example ganizations have preferred this kind of team apparently because of its cost effectiveness in terms of reduced cost of technology, greater use of outsourced and temporary workers, shift towards globalization and many others. Moreover, functional teams are compost of individuals from different departments but with the same task to perform. For example, an individual performing an accounting task in one department team up with another individual performing accounting task in another department. In functional team, the team members try to specialize in their roles as they try to stick to their roles (Jurgen A. (2011). Finally, self-managing teams are teams that are accountable for all the tasks they perform (Manz & Sims 1993). The team members share the work force and the supportive tasks. It is a group that is composed of individuals with a common purpose and the tasks are defined by the members (Stewart & Manz 1995). Team processes are those step-by-step actions that are taken or perform in order to produce a favorite outcome. These team processes sometimes have positive influence or negative influence on the team performance. They include transition, action and interpersonal processes (Garvin2009). All these process can have positive influence on performance. For example, a transition process like creating an action plan can help in prior achievement and organizing for future wants. Action process like assisting other team members performs their task can help promote positive cohesion and timely goal achievement. Also interpersonal process like conflict management can also help in developing some rules that can finally encourage cooperation. On the other hand, an interpersonal process like storming can have negative influence on performance. The questioning of the team’s ability to perform a given task can lead to discouragement of the team members hence not giving their best (Garvin2009 ). In conclusion, teams are important to an organization as they help in

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